Allah revealed in {Surah Al-Nisaa, 4:113}:

وَأَنزَلَ اللَّهُ عَلَيْكَ الْكِتَابَ وَالْحِكْمَةَ وَعَلَّمَكَ مَا لَمْ تَكُن تَعْلَمُ وَكَانَ فَضْلُ اللَّهِ عَلَيْكَ عَظِيمًا

"And Allah has sent down to you the Book and the wisdom, and He has taught you what you did not know, and Allah's grace on you is very great."

And in {Surah Al-Jumu'ah, 62:2}:

هُوَ الَّذِي بَعَثَ فِي الْأُمِّيِّينَ رَسُولًا مِّنْهُمْ يَتْلُو عَلَيْهِمْ آيَاتِهِ وَيُزَكِّيهِمْ وَيُعَلِّمُهُمُ الْكِتَابَ وَالْحِكْمَةَ وَإِن كَانُوا مِن قَبْلُ لَفِي ضَلَالٍ مُّبِينٍ

"He it is Who sent among the ummiyyeen a Messenger from among themselves, who recites to them His Verses and purifies them, and teaches them the Book and the Wisdom, although they were before certainly in clear error."

And in {Surah Al-Ahzab, 33:34}:

وَاذْكُرْنَ مَا يُتْلَىٰ فِي بُيُوتِكُنَّ مِنْ آيَاتِ اللَّهِ وَالْحِكْمَةِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ لَطِيفًا خَبِيرًا

"And remember what is recited in your houses of the verses of Allah and the wisdom; indeed Allah is subtle, aware/knowing."

ℹ️ What is al-Hikmah?

🔸The opinion of the traditionalists:

The traditionalist belief is based upon the opinion of the famous scholar al-Shafi'ee who in his "Risalah" spread the notion of hikmah meaning the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad. He had heard this concept from ‘some scholars’ of his time and he agreed with them. This theory therefore, centres around the opinion that al-Hikmah is something separate from al-Kitaab (the Book of Allah). It was also al-Shafi'ee who believed that the hadith (statement) through which the sunnah of the Prophet becomes known are revelation (Wahi) from God.

However, in accordance with the Arabic language and in light of the numerous verses of the Qur'aan it becomes clear that al-Hikmah is not a reference to the sunnah nor the hadith of Prophet Muhammad.

🔸The linguistic meaning according to Arabic dictionaries and lexicons:

🔎 Analysis of the word حكمة (Hikmah):

The triliteral root hā kāf mīm (ح ك م) occurs 210 times in the Qur'aan, in 13 derived forms.

Its meaning includes: judgement with equity and justice, to pass sentence, decide judicially, excercise authority/jurisdiction/rule/dominion, command/ordain/decree a thing, wisdom, acquired knowledge or science, insight, foresight, to restrain/prevent from ignorant or corrupt behaviour, render a thing to be firm/stable/strong/secure/free from defect or imperfection. [1]

The triliteral root appears 20 times in the Qur'aan as the noun Hikmah (حِكْمَة) which in any Arabic dictionary or lexicon means 'Wisdom'. [2]

🔸The meaning in accordance to the useage and explanation given by Allah:

The triliteral root ح ك م is used throughout the Qur'aan as an adjective of ‘Al-Kitaab’ (the Book), for example in {Surah Yunus, 10:1}:

الر تِلْكَ آيَاتُ الْكِتَابِ الْحَكِيمِ

"Alif Lam Ra. These are the verses of the Book of wisdom."

And likewise in {Surah Luqman, 31:2}:

تِلْكَ آيَاتُ الْكِتَابِ الْحَكِيمِ

"These are verses of the Book of Wisdom."

And in {Surah Aal-e-Imran, 3:58}:

ذَٰلِكَ نَتْلُوهُ عَلَيْكَ مِنَ الْآيَاتِ وَالذِّكْرِ الْحَكِيمِ

"This We recite to you of the verses and the wise reminder."

And in {Surah Ya Seen, 36:2}:

وَالْقُرْآنِ الْحَكِيمِ

"And the Qur'aan of wisdom."

'Al-Hikmah' is also not something that is restricted to the Prophet Muhammad because Allah revealed in {Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:269} that:

يُؤْتِي الْحِكْمَةَ مَن يَشَاءُ وَمَن يُؤْتَ الْحِكْمَةَ فَقَدْ أُوتِيَ خَيْرًا كَثِيرًا وَمَا يَذَّكَّرُ إِلَّا أُولُو الْأَلْبَابِ

"He gives the wisdom to whom He wills, and whoever is given the wisdom, then certainly he is given much good; and none remembers except those of understanding."

And within the Qur'aan we have been given some knowledge about those who did indeed receive 'al-Hikmah', such as in {Surah Al-Nisaa, 4:54}:

فَقَدْ آتَيْنَا آلَ إِبْرَاهِيمَ الْكِتَابَ وَالْحِكْمَةَ وَآتَيْنَاهُم مُّلْكًا عَظِيمًا

"...Then certainly We gave to Ibrahim's people the Book and the wisdom, and We gave them a great kingdom."

And in {Surah Al-Jathiya, 45:16}:

وَلَقَدْ آتَيْنَا بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ الْكِتَابَ وَالْحُكْمَ وَالنُّبُوَّةَ وَرَزَقْنَاهُم مِّنَ الطَّيِّبَاتِ وَفَضَّلْنَاهُمْ عَلَى الْعَالَمِينَ

"And certainly We gave to the children of Israel the Book and the wisdom and the prophecy, and We gave them of the goodly things, and We favoured them above the nations."

And in {Surah Luqmaan, 31:12}:

وَلَقَدْ آتَيْنَا لُقْمَانَ الْحِكْمَةَ أَنِ اشْكُرْ لِلَّهِ

"And certainly We gave to Luqmaan the wisdom, that: Be grateful to Allah."

And about Prophet Dawood in {Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:251}:

وَقَتَلَ دَاوُودُ جَالُوتَ وَآتَاهُ اللَّهُ الْمُلْكَ وَالْحِكْمَةَ وَعَلَّمَهُ مِمَّا يَشَاءُ

"...And Dawood killed Jaloot, and Allah gave him the kingdom and the wisdom, and taught him of what He willed."

And in {Surah Al-Zukhruf, 43:63}:

وَلَمَّا جَاءَ عِيسَىٰ بِالْبَيِّنَاتِ قَالَ قَدْ جِئْتُكُم بِالْحِكْمَةِ وَلِأُبَيِّنَ لَكُم بَعْضَ الَّذِي تَخْتَلِفُونَ فِيهِ فَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَأَطِيعُونِ

"And when 'Eesa came with clear arguments he said: I have come to you indeed with the wisdom, and that I may make clear to you part of what you differ in; so be concious of Allah and obey me."

And in {Surah Al-Israa', 17:39} Allah explains as to what the Hikmah is that was received by the Prophet Muhammad:

ذَٰلِكَ مِمَّا أَوْحَىٰ إِلَيْكَ رَبُّكَ مِنَ الْحِكْمَةِ وَلَا تَجْعَلْ مَعَ اللَّهِ إِلَٰهًا آخَرَ فَتُلْقَىٰ فِي جَهَنَّمَ مَلُومًا مَّدْحُورًا

"This is of what your Lord has revealed to you of the wisdom, and do not make any other god with Allah lest you should be thrown into hell, blameworthy, abandoned."

The Hikmah which Allah is referring to in this verse is the wisdom contained within the Qur'aan because the word ذَٰلِكَ is a reference to the preceding verses of Surah al-Israa' in which Allah revealed instructions for mankind to follow.

ℹ️ Al-Hikmah is NOT something separate to the Book of Allah

If 'al-Hikmah' is believed to be something separate to al-Kitaab (the Book) because of the use of the وَ then the same grammatical principle must be applied in {Surah Al-Hadid, 57:25} concerning 'al-Meezaan':

لَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنَا رُسُلَنَا بِالْبَيِّنَاتِ وَأَنزَلْنَا مَعَهُمُ الْكِتَابَ وَالْمِيزَانَ لِيَقُومَ النَّاسُ بِالْقِسْطِ

"Certainly We sent Our messengers with clear proofs, and sent down with them the Book and the Balance that mankind may establish with justice."

So what is this specific Meezan that Allah sent to His Messengers in addition to al-Kitaab and al-Hikmah?

And in {Surah Al-Anaam, 6:89} concerning 'al-Hukma':

أُولَٰئِكَ الَّذِينَ آتَيْنَاهُمُ الْكِتَابَ وَالْحُكْمَ وَالنُّبُوَّةَ فَإِن يَكْفُرْ بِهَا هَٰؤُلَاءِ فَقَدْ وَكَّلْنَا بِهَا قَوْمًا لَّيْسُوا بِهَا بِكَافِرِينَ

"These are those to whom We gave the book and the judgement and the prophecy; therefore if they disbelieve in it then We have already entrusted with it a people who are not disbelievers/rejectors in it."

So what is this specific Hukma (Judgement) that Allah sent to His Messengers in addition to al-Kitaab and al-Hikmah and al-Meeezan?

And in {Surah Aal-e-Imran, 3:48} concerning that which was taught to the Prophet 'Eesa:

وَيُعَلِّمُهُ الْكِتَابَ وَالْحِكْمَةَ وَالتَّوْرَاةَ وَالْإِنجِيلَ

"And He will teach him the Book and the wisdom and the Taurat and the Injeel."

According to the traditionalist logic the Prophet 'Eesa was taught four separate things by Allah. So what is al-Kitaab (the Book) and al-Hikmah (the Wisdom) that Allah taught 'Eesa in addition to al-Taurat and al-Injeel?

And in {Surah An-Nisa, 4:113} concerning that which was taught to the Prophet Muhammad:

 وَأَنزَلَ اللَّهُ عَلَيْكَ الْكِتَابَ وَالْحِكْمَةَ وَعَلَّمَكَ مَا لَمْ تَكُن تَعْلَمُ وَكَانَ فَضْلُ اللَّهِ عَلَيْكَ عَظِيمًا

"...And Allah has sent down to you the Book and the wisdom, and He has taught you what you did not know, and Allah's favour on you is great."

So what is this third type of separate knowledge that Allah taught the Prophet in addition to al-Kitaab and al-Hikmah?


Once it is acknowledged that al-Hikmah refers to the wisdom contained within the Book of Allah, then the command in {Surah Al-Nahl, 16:125}:

ادْعُ إِلَىٰ سَبِيلِ رَبِّكَ بِالْحِكْمَةِ وَالْمَوْعِظَةِ الْحَسَنَةِ وَجَادِلْهُم بِالَّتِي هِيَ أَحْسَنُ

"Call to the way of your Lord with the wisdom and the best admonition/ exhortation/instruction/advice, and dispute with them with that which is best."

Is understood to mean that بِالْحِكْمَةِ is a command for the believer to invite others to Islaam using the wisdom within the Book of Allah as their source and guide.


[1] Edward Lanes Lexicon, Williams and Norgate 1863; Beirut-Lebanon 1968, Pages 616-618

[2] Such as in the Arabic-English dictionary al-Mawrid by Dr Rohi Baalbaki, Page 482

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